Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
Do we have the interior silence to heed our conscience? |
We manifest the presence of Christ when we die to our selfishness |
Christians are commissioned to make a difference in the world |
Power in Clay Pots |
Legalism hardens our heart and hinders growth in spirituality |
Love is our origin, mission, vocation and final destiny |
Sentimentality can obscure the truth and lead to false mercy |
The Power from the Passion of Christ available to us |
The Order of Prayer |
Making a powerful stand against the evil in and around us |
The Most Blessed Sacrament |
Transforming ourselves and the world through true worship |
The Word of God is truth and stands forever |
The first instalment of our glorious eternal inheritance |
Fallen man will rise again on wings of prayer |
The blessedness of being in the Truth |