Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
God’s plan of salvation reveals His deep personal sacrifice for our sakes |
Raised up to be like Christ, to do His work, and to inherit His Kingdom |
We must practise a virtue in order to be stronger in it |
God will provide His grace for every cross we are asked to carry |
Clinging to my true identity that lasts for eternity |
True surrender submits to God’s will, is without preconditions and accepts the outcome |
Can we rise up to the challenge when our faith is sorely tested? |
Becoming true friends of God |
The Power of Holy Obedience |
Love is our highest purpose, and the yardstick of our final judgement |
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus and be enthroned in my heart |
The Holy Spirit gives us the grace of conviction of our sins needed for true repentance |
All thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son, Jesus |
In our current age of moral relativism and confusion, God’s Word is the Guide and Standard we can absolutely rely on |
Our Unity in Christ is founded on His Truth |
We are no ordinary people, we are a people set apart for God |