Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
Fulfilling God’s loving divine will is a rest for our weary souls |
The Quiet but Immense Power of God in His Sacraments |
Adhering to our identity as a true child of God |
We are called not to judge but to witness to the Truth |
Prayer - the most amazing and powerful force on earth |
The Truth and Power of God’s Love |
You are a kingly people, a priestly people, a chosen people, God’s special possession |
Jesus asks us to free ourselves of all bondages |
Making ourselves or others feel comfortable in sin is not God’s will |
God’s Spirit is always within us to guide and comfort us |
Why Jesus gives us Mary to be our Spiritual Mother |
The more we desire to do God’s will, the more He reveals Himself to us, the more we feel His reassuring Presence |
In Christ, we are overcomers; our faith will conquer the world |
Love God above all, then our love for others can become unconditional |
We may be like clay pots but God’s unsurpassing power is within us |
Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the Mouth of God |