Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
By His Life, Death and Resurrection, Christ merited for us all the graces we need |
Are we blind to our self-righteousness? |
Nature attests to the existence of the one true God |
Speaking the truth with love and courage |
Blessed are the pure-hearted for they shall see God |
Oneness with Christ, our final union in love |
Worries, regrets, distractions fritter away our graces for the Present moment |
We are called to be saints |
Recognizing and demolishing our false gods |
God shows us how great it is to be human |
A Christmas Letter from On High |
The Incarnation that changed eternal destiny of the world |
Encountering Christ and building up a personal relationship with Him |
Standing firm on our faith amidst unprecedented scandals |
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me from within (cf. Philippians 4:13) |
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid (John 14:27) |
The Lord upholds the truths of the Holy Eucharist, and so should we |
The Freedom of God's Children |
Surrendering to God gives Him a free hand |
The priceless pearl we need to possess |
Christ’s Relationship with the Heavenly Father is our pattern and guide |
Our Most Loveable Heavenly Father has been revealed to us |
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet |
Undeterred, truthful and courageous in Christ |
Beautifying my mind |
They look and look but do not see |
Humility prepares our heart for the fulfillment of God’s will |
Filial and loving obedience is solid proof of our love for God |
Led by the Holy Spirit |
Our soul, our most precious possession |
Discernment is a treasured, high gift of God |
Learning to trust God |
Testifying to Christ |
Christ prepared His Disciples for His Gift of the Eucharist |
At His Name all knees must bend (cf. Philippians 2:10) |
Re-ordering our lives in spiritual readiness |
What is great in the eyes of God |
Who would have thought... |
Master, I want to see |
Perfect abandonment to God engenders perfect peace |
Building my Spiritual House with gold, silver, precious stones |
Fill our hearts with grace by sincere prayers and detachment from self and worldly allurements |
Like the deer that longs for a running stream |
God's abiding Presence calms all fears |
Peace comes from freedom from bondage to sin |
Discerning and living God's will |
Before they call, I will answer |
Every human heart seeks true joy and rest |
Christ's Glory is in His Cross |
Drawing light and strength from Christ’s Passion |
Self-knowledge is the key to repentance |
Fasting with prayers transforms us, paves the way for God’s mighty intervention and mitigation of His wrath |
Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt |
Our strength and inspiration is in God's everlasting love |
Setting our minds in freedom of truth |
Answering and treasuring God's higher calling |
Our impenetrable refuge of peace and rest |
Our faith exposes the false ideologies of the world |
In Christ we are more than conquerors |
Christian hope is indestructible |
He must increase and I decrease |
When God is not afraid to become man |
Ordering our lives for true peace |
A personal relationship with Christ – the antidote to apathy, complacency and lukewarmness |
Without faith we cannot please God |
Moral relativism and Religious Indifferentism |
Real peace and security can only be found in God's will |
May my life be a fragrant song of praise to God |
My heart is restless till it rests in You, Lord |
We know God by keeping His commandments |
Pride, our number 1 enemy |
The Essence of Holy Mass |
In Christ we have power and authority over all evil spirits |
We are predestined to share God's glory |
Forming our conscience in the truth |
Fear God, not man |
Do not be afraid, God is always in charge |
God gives us the power to forgive our enemies |
May my life be a continual hymn of praise to God |
Sin destroys freedom and joy |
Working for food that endures for eternal life |
Remaining in the truth by adherence to God's Commandments |
Peace in the midst of persecution |
Discerning the discouragement of Satan |
Heeding the inspirations of the Holy Spirit |
Declaring the Mighty Works of God |
Interior silence in the midst of the turmoil in the world |
Reaping the bad fruits of the current Moral Crisis |
Unity in truth |
Our First Duty |
Encountering Christ personally through His Inerrant Word |
Last three things before Ascension |
We have the power to be a blessing to others |
Clothe me with Power from on High |
God’s Promise to be with Us Always |
A Love that Records No Wrong and Fully Restores |
Preparedness of the soul is the foundation of inner peace |
Practising our Baptismal Priesthood |
True faith soars high above human reason |
Blessed are those who are not scandalized in me (cf. Luke 7:23) |
Heaven is a real place we can touch |
Who will roll over the boulder for us? |
The key to a deeper insight of God and mysteries of His Kingdom |
Knowing and realizing our true worth |
Know and understand our faith so as to keep it |
A heroic act of faith in a sea of unbelievers |
Christ, true God and true Man, the way to our Salvation |
Lord, grant me the grace of perseverance till the last day of my life |
My yoke is easy, my burden is light |
Trust in God – the only fount we can drink from |
Lord, give us Your Holy Spirit |
Familiarity breeds irreverence |
When truth is proclaimed, the power of evil is weakened |
Attaining inner peace and harmony |
We are raised by God to proclaim His Truth |
Vigilance in our hearts and minds |
What defiles us comes from inside |
A beautiful mind blesses others |
If we can accept it, everything is a grace |
Keeping our minds rooted in truth |
God is able to make an oasis in our desert |
Obedience to God brings the greatest blessings |
Hearing the voice of God amidst noise and distraction |
Such Knowledge too wondrous for me |
A joyful life is marked by gratitude |
God made vulnerable for our Sakes |
The Chosen and Elect are led by the Holy Spirit |
We are called to live the Passion of Christ |
Do we have the interior silence to heed our conscience? |
We manifest the presence of Christ when we die to our selfishness |
Christians are commissioned to make a difference in the world |
Power in Clay Pots |
Legalism hardens our heart and hinders growth in spirituality |
Love is our origin, mission, vocation and final destiny |
Sentimentality can obscure the truth and lead to false mercy |
The Power from the Passion of Christ available to us |
The Order of Prayer |
Making a powerful stand against the evil in and around us |
The Most Blessed Sacrament |
Transforming ourselves and the world through true worship |
The Word of God is truth and stands forever |
The first instalment of our glorious eternal inheritance |
Fallen man will rise again on wings of prayer |
The blessedness of being in the Truth |
Precious metals and priceless stones in my hands |
For when I am weak then I am strong |
No room for mediocrity |
More than conquerors |
The cost of true discipleship and the peace that comes with it |
Small virtues lead to Great ones |
Faith that considers not the circumstances glories God |
Speaking the truth with love and courage |
Blessed are the pure-hearted for they shall see God |
God draws near to those who have room in their hearts |
Salvation is a free gift from God |
The Divine Incarnation, the Amazing Act of God |
The Apple of His Eye |
Divine Exchange |
Selflessness will reveal our true nature |
Overcoming adverse human opinion |
The Agony in the Garden |
The battle belongs to the Lord |
The unique role of Blessed Virgin Mary in God’s Plan of Salvation |
True Joy is a fruit of Charity |
Called to fellowship with Christ |
Prayerful meditation puts us consciously into God’s presence |
The best compass for life in these troubled times |
The hidden power in the Word of God |
God binds Himself to His people in a new, unbreakable, eternal, saving Covenant |
Love for God is proven by obedience to His Commandments |
The more we empty ourselves, the more fruitful we can be |
To be successful in the eyes of God |
Exhortation to Spiritual Renewal |
Why God allows His children to be tempted |
The price of a soul to God |
Putting on the armour of God in our battle against evil |
The Kingdom of God is in our midst |
We are all born to be saints - sons and daughters of God |
Living a joyous life daily |
Living life fully in the present moment, my priceless gift to God |
The Spirituality of Littleness |
To love is to serve |
The Call to Holy Love |
Our ardent love for God will empower us to witness to the Truth till the very end |
In life and in death we belong to the Lord. Death has lost its sting |
No higher authority or power in heaven or on earth |
We are made to be blessed, holy and happy |
Be overcomers of the spiritual battle within us |
Jesus gives us power over our sins |
Living the Spirituality of the Resurrection |
Christ suffered rejection that we have may God’s acceptance |
Self-Abnegation is the doorway to holiness |
God’s plan of salvation reveals His deep personal sacrifice for our sakes |
Raised up to be like Christ, to do His work, and to inherit His Kingdom |
We must practise a virtue in order to be stronger in it |
God will provide His grace for every cross we are asked to carry |
Clinging to my true identity that lasts for eternity |
True surrender submits to God’s will, is without preconditions and accepts the outcome |
Can we rise up to the challenge when our faith is sorely tested? |
Becoming true friends of God |
The Power of Holy Obedience |
Love is our highest purpose, and the yardstick of our final judgement |
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus and be enthroned in my heart |
The Holy Spirit gives us the grace of conviction of our sins needed for true repentance |
All thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son, Jesus |
In our current age of moral relativism and confusion, God’s Word is the Guide and Standard we can absolutely rely on |
Our Unity in Christ is founded on His Truth |
We are no ordinary people, we are a people set apart for God |
O Sacrament Most Holy, the Wondrous Gift of God Himself |
In the Passion of Christ we can find Light and Strength |
Our sufferings can be turned into our good and do mighty work for God’s Kingdom |
Letting go of all our bondages and baggage for the hope to which we are called |
Why Satan hates our Blessed Mother Mary so much |
Blessed are those who live in God’s presence and draw strength from Christ’s Passion for every trial |
The motivation for Discernment is an ardent love for God’s will |
God’s teachings and laws define evil, and adherence to it protects us from deception and relativism |
Good intention cannot make an evil act good |
I am nothing. God is everything |
Jesus sets example on how to serve God |
Trust in the Lord and He will act |
Our soul, more precious than the whole physical universe |
A Lesson from An Archangel |
God’s will is the most secure, shortest and easiest route to our Father’s Kingdom |
In Christ we are overcomers of all adversities |
Getting rid of our lukewarmness and the Pharisee within us |
To serve God we need to love God, to love God we need to know God |
Christ’s promise: God reveals Himself to and dwells in those who keep His Word |
Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh |
God has the will and power to keep His promises |
Humility to see the Truth and God’s ways |
Protect ourselves from false ideologies by adhering to Christ’s teachings and the infallible Word of God |
Suffering, a most precious gift we can offer God |
The Supremacy of God’s Will, the Roadmap to our Unceasing joy |
Making reparation to the Heart of God by bringing His compassion to others |
Entering into the mysteries of God, glorifying God and transforming the world |
God wants our faith to be bold and expectant |
Abolishing the spiritual strongholds in our minds |
Heavenly Father, what a Comfort You are! |
Overcoming the Spirit of the World |
God’s grace is enough for us to overcome any situation or evil |
Some evil can only be driven out by prayer and fasting |
Confession - when the greatest of miracles takes place |
The evil coming from within us is what defiles us |
The worst thing on earth |
Our Mission as Priest, Prophet and KIng |
Finding joy in prayer |
We have the power to choose happiness in every situation |
Reverence for God will lead us to a fuller understanding of His ways |
The Exceeding Greatness of our Call and Glorious Eternal Inheritance |
God speaks to us persuasively during our suffering |
Discerning the Falsities of our Confused Age |
The Holiness of Truth versus the Falsities of our times |
God does not require us to do great things but just to do everything for sake of Him |
The greatest love story ever told |
The Call to Holiness |
Making room for Jesus this Christmas |
True surrender, the quickest way to get God’s loving intervention in our difficult situation |
Jesus lays down the condition for true Discipleship |
Self-knowledge is a great blessing from God |
The only criterion by which we will finally be judged |
True faith is to trust absolutely in God, His Word, His Promises in all circumstances |
Remaining in the peace of Christ |
The act of thanking and praising God uplifts our spirit and soul like no other |
The most beautiful words ever uttered in the whole Universe |
A simple heart attracts God’s favour and is a great instrument in His hands |
We are called not to conquer the highest peak but to gain mastery over ourselves |
The true value of our actions |
Mercy without the Truth cannot save us |
God’s grace is only for the present moment |
Two primary graces we need to beg God for every day |
The daily Mass, our principal source of grace on earth |
Maturing into the fullness of Christ |
Fulfilling God’s loving divine will is a rest for our weary souls |
The Quiet but Immense Power of God in His Sacraments |
Adhering to our identity as a true child of God |
We are called not to judge but to witness to the Truth |
Prayer - the most amazing and powerful force on earth |
The Truth and Power of God’s Love |
You are a kingly people, a priestly people, a chosen people, God’s special possession |
Jesus asks us to free ourselves of all bondages |
Making ourselves or others feel comfortable in sin is not God’s will |
God’s Spirit is always within us to guide and comfort us |
Why Jesus gives us Mary to be our Spiritual Mother |
The more we desire to do God’s will, the more He reveals Himself to us, the more we feel His reassuring Presence |
In Christ, we are overcomers; our faith will conquer the world |
Love God above all, then our love for others can become unconditional |
We may be like clay pots but God’s unsurpassing power is within us |
Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the Mouth of God |
Because of Christ’s Resurrection, our death is a step into our glorious eternal inheritance |
Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it |
Prayer will lead to our transformation and joy in the Lord |
The greatest of miracles take place during Sacrament of Confession |
Responding to the Call to Holiness |
Why denial of sin is the worst thing on earth |
Everyone should know of God's Promises |
Be merciful to others so that our heart is open to receive God’s mercy |
Know and Remain in the Truth by Adhering to Christ's Teaching |
Brought in spirit to the foot of the Cross on Calvary |
Through the Cross, we will be transformed with ever-increasing glory into His image |
Living for the glory of God - A Purpose Driven Life |
What God chose for Himself at Christmas |
May Baby Jesus be born in all hearts this Christmas |
For eternity, we are the victorious children of Mary, the Immaculate One |
The humble have continuing peace whilst the prideful have frequent indignation |
Our Real Enemies are not of Flesh and Blood |
The Cross - a gift from God for my sanctification and salvation of others |
Jesus is the living Bread of eternal life |
May our heart be led by our faith |
Cling to the Word of God to remain in the truth of Christ |
Jesus emphasizes the gravity and horror of sin |
Our Heavenly Father's extravagant love for His children |
Living in the presence of God |
False mercy - putting human concerns above God's will and laws |
Our most loveable Heavenly Father |
Our love for others can be true and enduring if it is for the sake of God |
I am the God who heals you |
Unholy Fear is not from the Lord |
The Greatest Ones of God |
A great desire of our soul is to render praise to God |
Grace is God's power and life within us |
We choose the yoke we put on - we choose whom we serve |
The faithful Friend who is with us from beginning to end |
When faith takes a back seat to rational thinking and human feelings |
The whole universe is not worth even one soul |
Hold on tight to our glorious birthright |
Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God |
After the Blessed Trinity, Mary has the greatest power against evil |
In Jesus is the truth we thirst for. In Jesus is the love we need. In Jesus is the life we seek |
True abundance is not what we own but what we are and worth |
God's will unfolds for those who seek to do His will |
Why we believe |
The most wholesome shortcut to our True Self |
God acts mightily for those who trust in Him |
The only regret we will have in heaven |
The Sacraments continue mightily the saving mission of Christ |
Faithfulness will be our Joy |
Christ consummates His love for His Church on the Cross and in the Holy Eucharist |
Be the first to make peace. You will be specially blessed |
It remains the duty of each soul to come into God's will |
Christ was humiliated to give us the strength to overcome our pride |
Listening to the voice of God |
Let's refrain from being self-reverential. It is God who gives us the power and intentions to act |
No amount of good deeds can save us if we do not repent of our sins |
Our most precious possession |
God comes first. |
At that moment Heaven was opened |
The holy love the Spirit pours into hearts will overcome the evil in the world |
Love Jesus then you will find it easier to love others |
Let's make room for Jesus in our hearts this Christmas |
Intellectualising our faith will lead to cold hearts and loss of faith |
Salvation is through faith in Christ. No one is saved through good deeds alone |
the virtue of simplicity of heart |
False piety versus Holiness |
What is my core identity? |
Christ's yoke - light and easy |
The victory that conquers the world is our Faith (1 John 5:4) |
My Present Moment - My Most Precious Gift to God |
The Scourge of the World |
The order of Divine Authority in the Family |
Childlike holiness - the way to walk |
To love is to obey - the faith of Jesus in God the Father |
Understanding where our feelings come from |
Demolishing strongholds in our minds |
God is unchanging and so is His teaching |
The story of any conversion - Living a sacramental life of grace |
Is my conscience a meeting place with God? |
Jesus wants us to honour His Mother Mary |
My role in God's Kingdom is unique and cannot be replaced |
Trust in God's will, and peace will be ours |
Responding to the urgings of our inner self, and seeking out God's Presence |
We swing from indifferent apathy to feverish anxiety because we forget the presence of God |
Blessed are those who realise they need God in everything, theirs is the kingdom of heaven |
Confession is a Powerful Weapon against Satan |
The Eucharistic Lord, our Heavenly Healer |
Chicken or Eagle |
Set the stage for God to intervene in your life |
Discerning the Truth |
God has prepared a heavenly mansion for you and your family |
Every Moment is an Opportunity to Grow in Holiness |
God's Highest Attribute - His Divine Mercy |
Stand out in a Crowd |
Sharing in the Power of the Resurrection |
Transcending time and space to be on Calvary |
Combatting the evil within us |
Diminish the power of the evil one by refusing to engage with him |
Submit our Minds in Obedience to the Truth |
To be filled with the fullness of God |
The reason Jesus gives us Mary |
Let God's will be done! - the best cry for help |
Jesus comes in simplicity to speak to the simplicity of our hearts |
Enter into the sacrificial Spirit of Jesus |
Mary, our Powerful Protection against Satan |
Ask the Lord for the Gift of Discernment |
God is perfect and unchanging and so is His teaching |
Our Final Security is to Abide in God's Will |
God's Word cannot be altered by any person or power and stands forever |
True joy is not because of our possessions or achievements but only because of God |
Gratitude to God keeps our joy alive |
Sharing in the Faith of our Blessed Mother Mary |
Christ needs our help in saving and sanctifying souls |
The plan God has for every soul is glorious from beginning to end |
Following our conscience is not enough, we need to live Christ's teachings |
God speaks up for those who remain humbly silent |
Our Trust in God is the Barometer of our Love for and Faith in Him |
We need wisdom to see things from God's perspective |
Do you have a personal relationship with God, our Heavenly Father? |
It takes courage and perseverance to live in the Truth and uphold it |
Jesus says, Pray always and don't be discouraged |
We cannot be saved by good acts alone - we cannot be our own Saviour |
Lord, open my eyes to see the Enemy and close my heart to deceit |
The First Thing Jesus Did |
God does not call us to be successful but faithful |
Jesus proves it is worthwhile to stand up for the Truth |
It is a privilege and joy to be able to pray |
In the Spiritual Realm We are either for God or against Him |
Our most prized possession - Our beautiful, eternal, everlasting soul |
Everything seems lost but faith lives on |
The pure of heart can see God in others and understand His ways |
Our help is needed in God's global plan of salvation |
Why God allows us to sin |
The Only One who can truly make us happy |
Pride, the root of our unhappiness |
God will not test us beyond our limits |
Jesus is Present in all our Storms |
Our Minds, a Battlefield of Satan |
Trust in God Accepts All Outcomes |
The Eucharist is Jesus, True Man and True God |
Wait for the Power from on High |
Without holy love and humility we cannot live in the Truth |
It's not about our feelings. It's about our faith. |
Our Mandate |
The True Calling of a Christian |
Our Greatest Stumbling Block |
The Greatest Miscarriage of Justice |
Sin deprives us of the highest freedom |
From Eternity to Eternity You are the Deepest Desire of My Heart |
Surrender to Grace |
Be a Receptacle of God's Love and Mercy |
For Jesus' Pleasure, let's Focus all our Loving Sentiments on God, our Heavenly Father, the Source of all our Goodness |
The Unity of My Life - Do I Have a United Identity |
The Highest Form of Freedom |
Draw Closer to God By Loving Others More Ardently |
I Need to Pray as I am an Earthen Vessel |
The Lord Qualifies Those He Commissioned |
Unity with God Brings Fruitfulness to our Lives and Salvation to Souls |
Let Go of the Spirit of the World and Pray for a Powerful Anointing of the Holy Spirit |
A New Beginning - Ascend the Mystical Mountain that is JESUS |
My Soul Arise and Praise the Lord |
I Surrendered All to Come as a Baby in Your Midst |
Revealing the Truth |
Understand the Will of God |
I can Accept Anything that Happens to Me |
Humility the Key to Wisdom as God Reveals His Secrets to the Humble |
Persecution will Form the True Christian |
We are the Victorious Children of Mary, the Immaculate One |
Seeing Others through the Eyes of Jesus |
Failure to see ourselves as we really are |
Formed to be a true child of God |
Do not be taken in by the Master of Lies |
Do I have a personal relationship with the Lord |
Trust Proceeds from a Loving and Humble Heart |
Loving God with an Abandonment is necessary to feel peace |
Everything that Happened to Me is a Grace |
The Fast that will bring Real Joy to Jesus |
The Most Beautiful Act in the World Continued in Me |
Conscience in Crisis |
Our Free Will Holds the Key to our Future |
The Greatest Inspiration We Can Receive |
Knowledge Must Lead to God in Order to Have Salvific Value |
Being Trained to be Worthy of His Kingdom |
I Have Greatly Desired to Eat this Passover with You |
Will I be the First to Cast a Stone |
Our Enemies are Not of Flesh and Blood |
Feel-Good Mentality Fuelled by Unholy Fears |
God's Purpose is Always to Save |
I make up what is lacking in Christ's sufferings |
The Holy Spirit has been given to me. I have been sent. |
Bearing lasting gifts to my Heavenly Father |
Even though an army surrounds me, I will not fear |
Seeing Myself through the Precious Blood of Christ |
Self Knowledge, the Key to Holiness |
Our Greatest Need |
Our Highest Purpose |
Praying in the Spirit, the Way to Pray |
Lord Save Me from Myself |
You Raised Me Up to Walk on Stormy Seas |
His Last Gift to Us |
Our Most Precious Jewel |
God Opens Himself to Vulnerability |
Am I A True Worshipper |
To Be Given Everything Seek First the Kingdom of God |
Missing the Higher Calling |
Born to Thirst |
Always on My Mind |
Never Undermine Christ's Work of Redemption by Giving Bad Example |
Self Centredness the Greatest Obstacle to Holy Love |
Tame that Spark of Fire |
My Greatest Gift To God |
Is Your Heart Seeking |
God wants us to be joyful always |
Don't You Know Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit |
In Christ We Will Never Be Defeated |
Jesus, My Praise, My Love, My Adoration |
Our Real Fulfillment is in Answering God's Call |
Send Your Fire Lord |
The Greatness of a Soul is in ... |
The Unending Miracle - God's Divine Mercy |
Ascend to Your Calvary |
Does the Devil Know You |
God's Greatest Desire |
Jesus My Interior Teacher |
Living the Holy Mass |
Show us the Father and that will be enough for us |
The Innermost Desire of the Human Heart |
What is Christian love |
Without Faith It is Impossible to Please God |
Win Many Daily Battles for the Lord |
The Unending Miracle - God's Divine Mercy |
Peace and Security Can Only Be Found in God's Will |
My Vocation is to Praise God |
Loving Jesus with the Heart of Mary |
In Christ is Our Indestructible Hope |
Be Faithful to the Name We Bear |
Mary, our Shortcut to Jesus |
Jesus Comforts Us |
The Power of Fasting |
Be a Wise Builder |
Humility Helps Me See.. |
Why We Confess our Sins to A Priest |
Holy Love is the Ultimate Power and Unity |
The Very Thing We Must Never Let Go |
Purification of the World Starts with My Own Heart |
The Prowling Devouring Lion |
Where is God in the Midst of Human Sufferings |
Christ’s Gift of the Holy Mass |
God Works Marvels through the Humble |
Holy Love, the Port of Entry |
No Better Place for Me |
Be A Victim of Love and A Prayer Warrior |
The Lord Calls Me By Name |
Do Not Put God to the Test |
Unfailing Hope is Found Only in God |
Do I Compartmentalise God |
Walking into my Destiny |
I am Called to Announce the Good News |
Rewriting the Script of the Christmas Play |
Destined for Eternal Joy |
Calvary Continued |
The Thief Who Stole Paradise |
In My Weaknesses I am Made Strong |
Be Fired Up with Zeal |
Obedience to God’s Will=True Love |
Gift of the Present Moment |
My Body, A Holy and Living Sacrifice |
Power in My Hands |
Hunger and Thirst for God’s Word |
A Short Cut to Holiness |
God wants All of Us to Have Peace Always |
Father, Glorify Thy Son |
We Are In Spiritual Warfare |
Confession – A Powerful Weapon Against Satan |
The Presence of God in quiet and stillness |
The Greatness of Littleness |
Where are You Lord |
Maturing into Spiritual Childhood |
The Spirit of the World is Much Alive |
Meditation on the Eucharist |
Trample that Fear! |
How God Sees Us |
If You Believe You Will See the Glory of God |
We are One in Love |
Is My House Made of Hay and Straw |
Receive the Power From on High |
The Unequalled Greatness and Love of Christ |
Take up the Sword of the Spirit |
The Gift of Gifts, the Folly of God |
There are not two paths but ONE |
Stepping into Endless Glory |
Christ’s Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane |
A Brief Meditation on the Passion of Jesus |
Work of Satan Exposed |
Send the Tempter Fleeing |
False Piety Versus Holiness |
Cheer Up, He is Calling You ! |
Do I Identify Myself as the Lord’s Servant |
What the Lord Wants Most is Obedience |
The Folly of Self-Will |
Mary, the Greatest Evangelist |
Epiphany Everyday |
Jesus, the All-Round Problem Solver |
What Would Christ Do |
The conditions for miracles |
Am I A Mere Observer |
Real Peace and Rest From the Lord |
The Little Way |
God’s Love for Us and Our Trust in Him |
Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit |
Today You will be with Me in Paradise |
United to My True Vine |
What Type of Soil Am I? |
Jesus teaches humility |
Divine Exchange |
Three Heroic Young Men |