Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
Our Greatest Stumbling Block |
The Greatest Miscarriage of Justice |
Sin deprives us of the highest freedom |
From Eternity to Eternity You are the Deepest Desire of My Heart |
Surrender to Grace |
Be a Receptacle of God's Love and Mercy |
For Jesus' Pleasure, let's Focus all our Loving Sentiments on God, our Heavenly Father, the Source of all our Goodness |
The Unity of My Life - Do I Have a United Identity |
The Highest Form of Freedom |
Draw Closer to God By Loving Others More Ardently |
I Need to Pray as I am an Earthen Vessel |
The Lord Qualifies Those He Commissioned |
Unity with God Brings Fruitfulness to our Lives and Salvation to Souls |
Let Go of the Spirit of the World and Pray for a Powerful Anointing of the Holy Spirit |
A New Beginning - Ascend the Mystical Mountain that is JESUS |
My Soul Arise and Praise the Lord |