Permission is granted for making copies of the articles in this website solely for
the non-profit purpose of evangelization provided the text is not altered in any way.
True surrender, the quickest way to get God’s loving intervention in our difficult situation |
Jesus lays down the condition for true Discipleship |
Self-knowledge is a great blessing from God |
The only criterion by which we will finally be judged |
True faith is to trust absolutely in God, His Word, His Promises in all circumstances |
Remaining in the peace of Christ |
The act of thanking and praising God uplifts our spirit and soul like no other |
The most beautiful words ever uttered in the whole Universe |
A simple heart attracts God’s favour and is a great instrument in His hands |
We are called not to conquer the highest peak but to gain mastery over ourselves |
The true value of our actions |
Mercy without the Truth cannot save us |
God’s grace is only for the present moment |
Two primary graces we need to beg God for every day |
The daily Mass, our principal source of grace on earth |
Maturing into the fullness of Christ |